Panui / Newsletters / Notices

Week 1 of Term 2
  • CENTRAL CHALLENGE is this Sunday.  Please support our SCG, a group of tireless parents, by entering into the fun.  Check out the website for details on how to be involved. This is the major fundraiser for the year!
  • CAN YOU HELP?   White Elephant donations (drop off in front of Library), baking for the cake stall (on the day) and a bottle or jar for Mrs Harrison’s Bottle Stall (dropped off to the classroom).  Thank you for your support.
  • We love Parent Helpers in Room 9.  Please let me know if you are able to give some time and thank you to those of you who are already volunteering!  
  • Remember to check out our Blog for classroom events, basic facts and other learning links -

Proposed Dates for this term:
  • Sunday, 6th May - Central Challenge Family Adventure Race (P/P date 20/5)
  • Monday, 4th June - Queen’s Birthday - School closed
  • Week 9 - Student Led Conferences
  • Friday, 29th June - School Disco
  • Friday 6th July - Matariki - and the last day of Term 2


Week 7 of Term 1

  • Scooter Skills Training - THIS Tuesday.  Please remember to bring your scooter and helmet tomorrow.
  • Please bring in your grocery item for the Raffle if you haven’t already contributed..
  • Thanks to Janja (Felix H’s mum) for representing Room 9 on SCG.
  • On Thursday we have a paid Union meeting.  The school would appreciate you collecting your child at 2pm if you can.

Week 6 of Term 1

  • SCG are running a Grocery Hamper Raffle and ask that each child brings in a grocery item as a donation.  Please bring an item into class.
  • Central Challenge meeting THIS Tuesday - 7pm Room 5.  ALL WELCOME.
  • Please get in touch for a Goal Setting Interview if you were unable to come in last week.
  • Parent Helpers will start this week.  
  • Scooter Training - Tuesday, 20th March.  Please return the Scooter Notice that was sent home last week by Wednesday of this week.  Let me know if this didn’t make it home!
  • Dates to note
    • Easter Weekend, school closed 30/3, 2/4 AND 3/4
    • Trip to the Museum Wednesday, 4th April
    • Last day of Term 13/4

Week 5 of Term 1

  • Goal Setting Interviews / Whanau Hui THIS Monday and Tuesday after school.  Please get in touch if you have not made an appointment.
  • School photos on Wednesday.  Get dressed up in your finest gear!
  • Parent Helpers will start next week.  Thank you to the wonderful parents who have offered to come into the classroom to support our learning programme.  I will email to confirm the days you are required.
  • Dates to note
    • Easter Weekend, school closed 30/3 and 2/4
    • Trip to the Museum Wednesday, 4th April
    • Last day of Term 13/4
  • Scooter Training will be taking place on Tuesday, 20th March.  If your child has a scooter and helmet please can they bring them to school.  See separate notice nearer the time.


Welcome to Week 4 of Term 1

It was wonderful to see so many families at the school picnic last week and thank you to the families that managed to call in to the classroom beforehand.  If you weren’t there and have the time to offer some help in the classroom on a regular basis, I would love to hear from you. 
In Week 5, on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th March, we will be inviting you to come in for a Goal Setting Interview with your child.  You will be able to book your interview time shortly.  This is a great opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and set goals.  Remember, you can always pop in before or after school to see me too.    

We have had lots of parents already offer to come along with us to the Suter Art Gallery on Wednesday.  We will be leaving school straight after the roll, at approximately 9am and will return to school by 11am.    

Last week your child should have come home with information on how to sign up for the Class DoJo Account.  We have had 9 families connect already.  Please see me if you have trouble doing this.  We also have a Class Blog (address is on the side of this newsletter) which has useful links around learning as well as posts about classroom activities.  Feel free to look at this any time!  

Thank you to those of you that have returned the information on your family’s history, i.e. the mountain and river you and your ancestors connect to.  If you haven’t already returned it, we are working on our Pepeha this week.

I have assigned a login for this fun website, where your child will be able to play maths games.  They will be offered a small amount of time in class, and if possible it will be great if they can play games at home.  The site tailors the questions to your child’s abilities after they have completed an initial assessment.  Therefore, please don’t ‘play’ for them!

Welcome to Week 3 of Term 1

I’m really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Meet the Teacher and School Picnic this evening.  We will start it off in the classroom where you can have a look around and I will tell you a little bit about our classroom routines, expectations and what is on this year.  Then, at approximately 5.30 pm, you are welcome to join the other families on the front field for the annual SCG picnic. 

I am hoping to shortly be able to send out a school wide information sheet for you to check your child’s details and make sure they are accurate.  If anything has changed since last year, you are welcome to let me know beforehand.

Next week our Syndicate will be visiting the Exhibition by Sally Burton called Pale History.  We would love to have lots of adults come along to help us walk there and support us in our activities with Esther.  Please see the separate notice and return it to school before the end of this week. 

In Maths this week we are learning about Statistics and gathering data to analyse.  We are counting using tally marks and are learning a ‘catchy’ song’.  Why not ask your child to share it with you? 
Reading books will start to come home regularly this week.  It is common for children to drop back a few levels during the holidays.  It is important that their confidence is built up so they feel prepared to take risks with their learning.  Reading books fluently will help with this.  Please speak to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Welcome to Week 2 of Term 1
Room 9 had a very smooth start to the term last week and the first three days flew by!  It has been great to meet the children and families and I look forward to getting to know you all better over the coming weeks. 

The School Community Group have organised the annual school picnic for next Monday, 19th February.  It will start at 5pm with a chance to find out a bit more about Room 9 and the Pohutukawa Syndicate.  Then we will move out to the front field for the annual School Summer Picnic.  It is a lovely opportunity for you to meet / reunite with other families.   

We will shortly be asking you to check crucial information around your child / children.  It is very important that the school holds up to date information.  Please confirm your child’s details.

In class we will be talking about who we are and where we come from.  We will create a Pepeha to introduce ourselves.  Please talk to your child about this at home.  Over the next few weeks I will be testing the children.  Your child may come home with an easy book to read from the class.  Our learning programmes will start properly after this has been completed.

Library day is Friday for Room 9.  Please help your child to remember to return their Library book by Friday each week.
Swimming is timetabled for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Swimming is part of our Curriculum.  Should your child be unable to swim please provide a note / email me with the reason they cannot participate.  We may also have the opportunity to swim on Mondays and Fridays so please bring togs every day.  Thank you.

Meet the Teacher / School Picnic               Monday, 19th Feb from 5pm
Suter Visit to see Pale History                    Week 4, date to be confirmed
Whanau Hui (Goal Setting Interviews)         Week 5
School Photos                                              Wednesday, 7th March
Museum Visit to AEIOU                              Week 8, date to be confirmed
Easter break – no school                              Good Friday (30/3), Easter Monday (2/4)

Last Day of Term                                         Friday, 13th April



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